data entrychart comparisonstylesmethodstext manipulationasteroids

Welcome to this tutorial on how Kairon 3's Drawer works,


What Topics will this Tutorial explain?

  • Transits and Transit Search (T, A)
  • Eclipses and Occultations (E)
  • Harmonics (H)
  • Special about Directions and Progressions (D, P)
  • Special about Solar, Lunar, Planetar (R)

The letters are the letters you find on the drawer's tabs, letter 'F' is explained at length in Tutorial No. 2 (The Comparison of Charts) as it needs a multiple chart file unlike the other methods that can also do with single files.

Special about Methods in General

Methods are hidden in the Drawer of Kairon 3. They unfold either by selecting their titles in the "Method" menu or by clicking the drawer's "Methods" tab and then the corresponding letter on its single-letter-tabs. Please hold in mind that all the methods display only, if either "Radix" or "Aspects" has been selected in the "View" menu. Yet both don't display the exact object values in text form by now, this will be in a future release.
To access this kind of information, hit the text button of Kairon's toolbar (between the clock and the radix), see to it that you are not in the "AAF"-section but in the "Generated Text"-section and
hit the "Outer Pos" Button to display the exact positions of the objects going around your chart wheel,
hit the "Inner Pos" Button to display the exact positions of the objects inside your chart wheel,
hit the "Aspects" Button to display the exact values of your aspects just calculated and
hit the "Angles" Button to get an exact print of every angle between each and every object.

Tip: select the entire text (using the "Select All" command from the "Edit" menu) and drag out some tabs like shown here to make the values line up more nicely. You can also add colors and use multiple fonts here and save the result as .rtf file. For that purpose explore the "Format" menu or add further objects to your toolbar (by controll clicking the toolbar...) for easier access.

Please note that it totally depends on your preferences set in the "Points" part of your preferences dialog (watch all positions of the "inner..." menu to find out) and on your preferences set in the "aspects" part of your preferences dialog (watch all positions of the "In+Out..." menu to find out) what actually will be displayed in the graphics, as in the text sections. Many items are endowed with rollover comments and will tell you what they will do if you move your mouse pointer over them and wait a second or two.

Special about Transits (T)

Transits are turned on and off via the displayed checkbox "show Transits". While the date entry fields and the use of the location should be self explaining, you might wonder about what you can see here to the left: this is the Julian day number of the active aspect and the stepper to its right will increment the time by what you selected in the menu immediately below. The increments will also be displayed in the other date controlls of the drawer, but the change to one hour steps only affects the stepper you can see here, but not the stepper which is attached to the day value. That stepper will ever only step in full days.
If you hold the mouse down on the stepper the planets will animate depending on the speed of your mac and depending on the speed of your time increment displayed in the menu. So, if the animation should be too fast (just kidding) then set the increment down to 15 minutes and if that is still too fast send me your Macintosh and i send you mine in return.... ;-)

Special about Transit Search (A)

Transits display the momentary planetary positions of the time you enter. The result of the Transit Search will be a listing and is at this time displayed as text only, but planned to be displayed as a graph for future versions, probably already with 3.1
Only planets that are defined in the preference will be displayed in the menu. If you define additional planets you will have to open a new window to have the menu values updated (for now).

Special about Eclipses and Occultations (E)

also a text only feature, also dependent on the preferences.

Special about Harmonics (H)

The next version will allow to retain the original houses with the harmonics. In that case only the objects will be "harmonized" and there will be no change on the houses. For now all is being "harmonized".

Special about Progressions (P)

Kairon 3 deals with two kinds of progressions: by Indexday and by Birthday.
In case of the "birthday" rule, for every year past the birthyear the chart is progressed by one day.
in case of the "indexday", time is first reduced to universal time and based on the difference to universal noon (following the a day is a year rule) the indexday is calculated. From that day again the chart is progressed by one day for every year.
These calculations are done based on a tropicalYear of 365.24219 days;

Special about Directions (D)

Kairon 3 deals with two kinds of (secondary) directions: actual sun and naibod sun.
In case of the "actual sun" rule for every year past the birthyear all planets are moved by the distance the sun would have covered on the actual birthday within a day.
In case of the "naibod rule" for every year past the birthyear all planets are moved by the distance the sun covers in an estimated averige day.
I case of primary directions only Asc and MC are moved by Kairon. If these are not selected as objects in the "Points" section of the preferences dialog (with the popup menu set to "Transits") there will be no visible effect to selecting "primary directions".

Special about Solar, Lunar, Planetar (R)

A solar return is a chart cast at the exact moment when the sun returns to the position it has had at the moment of one's birth. This can be drawn around the normal chart as a special kind of transits (select outer) or it can be considered as a chart of its own, a solar chart (select inner).

A lunar return is a chart cast at the exact moment when the moon returns to the position it has had at the moment of one's birth. While solar charts happen only once per year, there are about thirteen lunar returns per year. The month menu therefore has not twelve but 24 entries, one for the first half of each month and one for the second half of each month. In case you select the first entry for a month, Kairon 3 will start scanning for that months lunar return following the first of that month, while in case you select the second entry of a month, Kairon 3 will start scanning for that months lunar return following the fifteenth of that month.

In case you might also wish to experiment with return charts of other planets or objects please use the transits part of the drawer. It is fast and will allow you to perfectly watch all the movement of an object and play with multiple retograde return phases. For that purpose there is a little stepper in the transits panel that allows you to browse through the planets positions and that lets you watch the exact position of the planet until there is an exact match.

A Planetar is a method made public by the author "Peter Orban". It is based on the fact that the sun walks all through the zodiac during the first year of a newly born person. So it crosses all planets birth positions during that year. Whenever the sun is exactly on such a position, this is the planetar of that planet and it is asumed that this planetar points out the special character this planet has in the life of this person. Though not classical, Kairon 3 allows doing a planetar for each and every object in a chart, given this object has also been selected in the "Points" section of the preferences dialog before tha chart window was opened.